Daniel Parra recently completed our Level 2 Certificate in Digital Technologies. He found the course to be extremely valuable, speaking about how the information on the course has changed his attitudes towards the proper use of digital technologies and the benefits that extend into his day-to-day life. Read Daniel’s feedback below:

Please explain how the programme has supported you to achieve your intended outcome:

The programme has changed my life; it has reformed my old online habits and customs replacing the bad ones such as using soft-wares or apps without updating my subscription and paying for the services and many others, for those habits and customs that support compliance with the law. 

I cay say that my digital skills and digital resources uses has received such a tremendous improvement, specially those related to online network etiquette and the moral and legal uses of digital services and resources. I asked for permission to keep reviewing and studying the programme contents to get all this information fixed in my memory. I would like to get deep knowledge of laws such as the GDPR, etc.

Do you feel the experience has met your expectations?

The experience has overcome my expectations serving me as a life changer, a life reformation. Now I fell that I got all the guidance I was looking for in many areas of my personal life. I have received inspiration to keep further improvements in my life and growth

Please list key achievements/qualifications achieved on course and the support you received:

– Social network etiquette and online ethics.
– Communication productivity.
– Deeper knowledge of fundamental British values and Law.
– Digital security skills for prevention, access and deterrent.
– Safety use of Public and Private Networks.
– Knowledge of and compliance for the Law.

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