Our Works4U programme in the North East focuses on supporting economically inactive residents of the area to improve and enhance their confidence and skills, with a view to progressing them towards the labour market.

Each participant on our programme is allocated their own Key Support Mentor in order to guide, coach and enable them to make positive life choices, as well as upskill themselves with the knowledge that we will continue to support them long after the programme has finished.

One participant who recently completed the programme is Carla from Bedlington.

Carla's story

Carla arrived on our Works4U programme in the North East having recently left full-time education and was at a crossroads in her life. She wanted to pursue her dream career working in the legal sector, but recognised that she needed some support with the basics of job searching, such as writing cover letters, putting together a CV and how to present herself during interviews.

She met up with her Key Support Worker to first identify these barriers to employment and soon got to work on improving them.

At the start of the programme I was really lacking confidence, as I knew that I didn't perform well in interview situations.

However, after meeting with my Key Support Worker, (Louise) on multiple occassions, she did such a good job at building up my confidence and making sure I believe in myself.

I really enjoyed having a dedicated Key Support Worker and the fact that the support was tailored to my needs.

I have received support in improving my CV, writing cover letters, interview techniques and applying for jobs.

Tailored support

Carla told us how she enjoyed working with her Key Support Worker, and how the support she was provided helped to boost her confidence when it came to interview situations and applying for jobs.

Louise provided me with documents which supported me with making high standard cover letters, as well as interview tips. These were extremely useful to me as they were tailored to my needs and job preferences. In fact, after using her cover letter template, I received an offer to be interviewed for my dream job!

Prior to my interview, I also studied her interview tips document which was definitely beneficial in making a good first impression in my interview.

I feel my CV has improved and I have a much better understanding of how to write a really good cover letter.

My confidence in interview settings has also significantly improved after being on this programme, largely due to the fantastic support and encouragement from Louise.

New Job secured

Not only did Carla successfully complete the Works4U programme and gain more confidence in her communication skills and job searching ability, but she also secured the new role she set out to achieve, working as a Legal Assistant. She concluded her feedback by praising the support she received from her Key Support Worker and thanked her for her guidance.

I really can't thank Louise enough for all her support, especially with building my confidence up and making sure I always stayed motivated and positive.

I feel much more confident in myself after completing the course. I have achieved my aims of obtaining my dream job as a Legal Assistant, which I am so happy about.

Congratulations again Carla, and the very best of luck in your new job!

Works4U in the North East

To find out more about how our Works4U programme in the North East is providing employability support local residents, you can visit our Works4U North East page or contact us here for more information.

Back2Work Complete Training provide Pre-Employment Training throughout the UK.

Pre-Employment Training works great as both a recruitment service for employers and an employment service for those who are unemployed.

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