Works4U is our employment support programme designed to provide residents in the West Midlands with opportunities to upskill, overcome personal challenges, move into work, and gain qualifications.

The programme provides wrap-around support to help you find the right opportunity, while breaking down any barriers that could be holding you back from finding work.

One participant who recently completed the programme is Georgiana from Coventry.

Georgiana's story

Georgiana arrived on our Works4U programme in Coventry looking to gain a new role in customer services, with hours that were more flexible and accommodating for her busy family life. She also struggled speaking English in social situations and expressed a desire to find a role that would help her improve on this.

Prior to this programme, I had job which had very limited hours, sometimes less than 6 hours a week and I had to travel to various places taking me a very long time. I knew I needed something different, but struggled to find a job that suited my schedule within school hours in my local area.

Works4U helped to improve my confidence, as I struggled to speak English in front of others and to present myself well at an interview. I also received career information and I understood that to improve my English, I needed a job where I could use communication skills.

Increased Confidence & Support Received

Georgiana told us how she enjoyed her experience on the Works4U programme, and how her Learning Support Advisor (Cristian) and Tutor supported her in her journey to find a new role.

I enjoyed the job club sessions with Cristian, as I better understood how to write a CV, cover letter and apply for jobs online. This resulted in interviews, which he also prepared me for so I didn't feel nervous.

I also enjoyed the classes with my Tutor, as they were interactive and I felt part of a team. The small group classes were ideal for me and the Tutor ensured everyone participated. By attending these classes, I became much more confident expressing myself in front of other people.

New Job Secured

Not only did Georgiana successfully complete the Works4U programme and gain more confidence in her communication skills and job searching ability, but she also secured a new role working in customer services at a local fast-food restaurant.

In the end, I managed to find a job which I really like and I don't have to spend a lot of time travelling to, as it's close to where I live, and within school-hours.

I have had no issues at my new job and this programme helped me feel much more confident about myself and my transferable skills.

I improved my communication skills a lot, which can be seen as I now have a customer services role which i really enjoy! I also developed my English skills and I am also more confident applying for jobs online, updating my CV and presenting myself at an interview.

Congratulations again Georgiana, and the very best of luck in your new job!

Works4U in the West Midlands

If you are looking for employment support in Birmingham and the West Midlands, then please visit our Works4U page.

Back2Work Complete Training provide Pre-Employment Training throughout the UK.

Pre-Employment Training works great as both a recruitment service for employers and an employment service for those who are unemployed.

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