Our Customer Service course provides our learners with all the knowledge and understanding they need to secure employment in the Contact Centre industry.

One learner who recently completed the course is Janet Callaghan from West Yorkshire.

Janet's Story

Janet found new confidence throughout this course and had a positive experience as the tutors were supportive and ensured that learners understood the information given. Janet already liked meeting new people but wasn’t very confident, this course helped support her; she is now more confident and prepared.

Tutor Support

Janet let us know that the tutor did a great job when it came to supporting the learners. They made the learners feel comfortable by being friendly and understanding towards everyone and made sure that everyone understood the information from the course.

“She was very friendly and easy to ask questions when I needed to ask something and has she said there is no silly question.”
"I know how to ask questions and be not be afraid to ask them because I know they will be answered."

Confidence Boost

Janet told us that she now feels much more prepared and confident since completing the course, whereas before she didn’t feel that confident when meeting new people. 

“I do feel more prepared and I am more confident with myself.”

Securing Employment

Janet went on to secure full-time employment following course completion and is now employed with her local council as an Administration Assistant.

"I have gained employment with my local city council as an administration assistant."

We wish Janet nothing but the best with her future career.

Congratulations again, Janet!

Looking to get back into work?

If you’re currently unemployed, over the age of 19 and looking to get back into work, our range of pre-employment courses could offer you a pathway to a new career.

Please contact us here and a member of our team will get in touch to talk through the options available to you.

Back2Work Complete Training provide Pre-Employment Training throughout the UK.

Pre-Employment Training works great as both a recruitment service for employers and an employment service for those who are unemployed.

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M12 6JH