Mandy recently completed our Customer Service course. Since completing the course Mandy has become more proficient in using PC systems and is much more confident in her abilities, making her feel better prepared for her role.

Read more about their experience below:

How would you rate the course content & why?

The course was great with lots of support. All tutors were fantastic, helpful, friendly and really built confidence in each and every student.The tutors made learning fun. I now have a full time job that I really love.

Thank you so so much B2W Group!

How well did your tutor support you through the course content?

100% the tutors were great, you could not get better.

Following the course, do you feel more prepared for working in your selected industry?

The tutors at B2W built my confidence up so much. I will carry it with me throughout life.

Are you more confident after completing the course?

I feel better equipped for my industry to go out and work.

Do you feel as though you are better prepared to remain in work and also access a higher salary rate?

The training we received has made all students feel that way.

If you want to learn more about or Digital Skills, Contact Centre or Customer Service courses, follow the links below
Digital Skills: 
Digital Skills – Back2Work Complete Training (
Contact Centre: 
Contact Centre Courses – Back2Work Complete Training (
Customer Service: 
Customer Service – Back2Work Complete Training ( ),

Back2Work Complete Training provide Pre-Employment Training throughout the UK.

Pre-Employment Training works great as both a recruitment service for employers and an employment service for those who are unemployed.

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M12 6JH